Thursday, June 21, 2012

there's somebody i'd like you to meet...

Everyone, I like for you to meet my son, Otto.

Otto J Petsch, that is.  He decided to make his appearance into my life on his due date, June 12, 2012.  He arrived at 5:50pm, weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce.  He is a long boy, measuring 21 1/4 inches.  I have so many emotions from that fateful day, but I will share those with you on another post.

I would like to tell you how Adam and I came across the name Otto.  We didn't know if he was going to be a boy or a girl, but had decided on this name for a boy quite early in my pregnancy.  You see, Otto is named after four, very important men in my and my husband's lives.  Otto comes from Adam's grandfather, Elmer Otto Petsch.  The initial J is actually representative of three men, my father Jim Adams, my stepfather John Kevin Taylor, and finally, Adam's other grandfather, Howard J Cather.  It is really quite amazing that we could honor each of these loved family men in just one little boy.

Not having much time these days to blog, I will leave you with that and share more later.  For now, enjoy these first few pictures of Otto's arrival.

first moments of life

Chloe and Cael (cousins)
Bebe (my mom)
the nurses loved his name
Grandma and Grandpa (AP's parents)


  1. So sweet..and special! I love him already =)

  2. Oh congrats Priscella. He is so precious. We are so happy for you!

  3. He is perfect, Priscilla. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! xoxo
