Wednesday, June 6, 2012

such wisdom in a mudflap.

About six months ago, a business went up next to my husband's place of work.  This place is called "U Pull It".  The concept of this place is basically a junk yard full of beater cars and trucks where people can pay to pick off any parts that they find on these vehicles.  For those of you who know my husband, this was a dream come true for him... and my worst nightmare.

Adam has loved having this place next door and has even become good friends with the guy that runs the whole operation.  AP has a "free pass" into the yard and always gets a heads up when "valuable" items come up for grabs.  So far my husband has come home with an old Dodge pickup (not parts, the whole thing), a tailgate from an International (I think this is a Scout), and many more items that he has hidden from me.  

To my pleasant surprise, a few weeks ago Adam brought home a mudflap from a semi truck.  He said when he picked it off, he had me in mind... so romantic, I know.  I was actually tickled pink to see that this mudflap said, "Nebraska: The Good Life," which you observant readers may recognize as the title of this blog.  So in a weird way, I am quite flattered that my husband meshed two of his favorite loves together, me and car parts.  Oh, we've come so far!

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